Monday, 22 December 2014

Set house to order

Foreign aids in terms of FDI’s, expertise and technology cannot make a lame horse gallop unless we set our own house also to order that is mired in political squabbles and accusations. 


To uderstand the basics

73% of our people habitat in the rural sector. Unless our rural sector develops, country cannot, irrespective of our industrial growth, SEZ’s or Retail chains. Rural poor shall keep migrating to cities in search of living. This is ruralisation of the country and not urbanization that most of us think! Look around your city and you will get the answer! 

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Purposeful Elections and Selection Systems

 Dear Countrymen,
Under the alarming conditions of the nation the only option left to us is to either stick to our archaic and self destructive ‘procedural due processes’ of elections and selections of our Legislators and Civil Executives and watch the destruction of the nation before our eyes until the people revolt. Or we rise and discard our abusive systems of elections and selections and make the ‘procedural due processes’ purposeful. To know more visit;

To set up 'good governance'

 To set things right I have in mind to establish a 'responsible and accountable system of governance' sensitive to human sufferings and capable of addressing the problems that have  besieged the nation. Visit;


With unabated rapes, looting, murders, unnatural deaths and accidents galore, we have long turned into a mismanaged rogue nation.

It is now our duty to do something for the present and the posterity.
K C Agrawal

Thursday, 18 December 2014

India's unconcerned political system

Dear Countrymen,
Unmindful of the regression of the country,nagging and accusing the rival parties continues unabated in Indian political arena. It reminds me of the following pronouncement by Sir Winston Churchill, Wartime Prime Minister of England, in the British Parliament in June, 1947;

“…Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles.
K C Agrawal

Our unconcerned political system

Dear Countrymen,
Unmindful of the regression the country is undergoing nagging and accusing the rival parties continues unabated in Indian political arena. It reminds me of the following pronouncement by Sir Winston Churchill, Wartime Prime Minister of England, in the British Parliament in June, 1947;

“…Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles.
K C Agrawal

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

India in Shambles

Dear Friends'
It is painful to watch the gradual sinking of our nation in terms of surging crowds, sordid cities and collapsing infrastructure. Commutation through the seas of frightening traffic is consuming most of our useful time. There is no respite from endless day to day hassles.The whole Indian scenario has   ...more

Friday, 12 December 2014

Human behaviour:

Dear Friends,

#Human behaviour is a reflection of one’s state of mind. The rising unrest and disintegrating fraternity is germination of highly vulnerable and perennially degenerating socio-economic plight of our people.#

Lack of development leads to lack of job opportunities, lack of means for living, and an uncertainty for tomorrow. Poverty leads to deprivation and frustration. This leads to retaliation and then to revolt.
When a society undergoes perpetual economic regression, the people undergo unbearable sufferings. If their guardians happen to be responsible for their woes, the people may resort to rebellion.#

 To save from rebellion:
 Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights must be protected by the rule of law- United Nations.


Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Implement forgotten Constitution of India for 'liberty and dignity'

Dear Friends,

Think India and the image that immediately flashes the mind is that of chaos and poverty, with a few odd economic success stories shining like tinsels on tattered rags. Sixty seven years of the current form of democracy has failed India’s poor millions who still languish in extreme poverty and sorrows of lives. Consistent shortage of water and electricity, creaking infrastructure, lack of job opportunities, galloping inflation and dwindling value of the rupee present a nightmarish scenario of our nation which haunts the common man.

Since all these issues relate to the welfare of the people and cause gross human rights violations, they are justiciable and fall within the purview of the Judiciary to redress. United Nations’ various charters, treatises and human rights protections, promulgated from time to time, also make these submissions justiciable (Section 4.1). Chapter 7 of the book also demonstrates the justiciability of the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) mentioned in Part IV of our Constitution.
K C Agrawal
Anjuna Agrawal Singh
